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小说: 英语天堂 字数: 每页4000字

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fond clasp could save her; and his heart rose up with wild determination to keep her; never to let her go。
The child’s whole heart and soul seemed absorbed in works of love and kindness。 Impulsively generous she had always been; but there was a touching and womanly thoughtfulness about her now; that every one noticed。 She still loved to play with Topsy; and the various colored children; but she now seemed rather a spectator than an actor of their plays; and she would sit for half an hour at a time; laughing at the odd tricks of Topsy;—and then a shadow would seem to pass across her face; her eyes grew misty; and her thoughts were afar。
“Mamma;” she said; suddenly; to her mother; one day; “why don’t we teach our servants to read?”
“What a question child! People never do。”
“Why don’t they?” said Eva。
“Because it is no use for them to read。 It don’t help them to work any better; and they are not made for anything else。”
“But they ought to read the Bible; mamma; to learn God’s will。”
“O! they can get that read to them all they need。”
“It seems to me; mamma; the Bible is for every one to read themselves。 They need it a great many times when there is nobody to read it。”
“Eva; you are an odd child;” said her mother。
“Miss Ophelia has taught Topsy to read;” continued Eva。
“Yes; and you see how much good it does。 Topsy is the worst creature I ever saw!”
“Here’s poor Mammy!” said Eva。 “She does love the Bible so much; and wishes so she could read! And what will she do when I can’t read to her?”
Marie was busy; turning over the contents of a drawer; as she answered;
“Well; of course; by and by; Eva; you will have other things to think of besides reading the Bible round to servants。 Not but that is very proper; I’ve done it myself; when I had health。 But when you come to be dressing and going into company; you won’t have time。 See here!” she added; “these jewels I’m going to give you when you come out。 I wore them to my first ball。 I can tell you; Eva; I made a sensation。”
Eva took the jewel…case; and lifted from it a diamond necklace。 Her large; thoughtful eyes rested on them; but it was plain her thoughts were elsewhere。
“How sober you look child!” said Marie。
“Are these worth a great deal of money; mamma?”
“To be sure; they are。 Father sent to France for them。 They are worth a small fortune。”
“I wish I had them;” said Eva; “to do what I pleased with!”
“What would you do with them?”
“I’d sell them; and buy a place in the free states; and take all our people there; and hire teachers; to teach them to read and write。”
Eva was cut short by her mother’s laughing。
“Set up a boarding…school! Wouldn’t you teach them to play on the piano; and paint on velvet?”
“I’d teach them to read their own Bible; and write their own letters; and read letters that are written to them;” said Eva; steadily。 “I know; mamma; it does come very hard on them that they can’t do these things。 Tom feels it—Mammy does;—a great many of them do。 I think it’s wrong。”
“Come; come; Eva; you are only a child! You don’t know anything about these things;” said Marie; “besides; your talking makes my head ache。”
Marie always had a headache on hand for any conversation that did not exactly suit her。
Eva stole away; but after that; she assiduously gave Mammy reading lessons。
Chapter 23
About this time; St。 Clare’s brother Alfred; with his eldest son; a boy of twelve; spent a day or two with the family at the lake。
No sight could be more singular and beautiful than that of these twin brothers。 Nature; instead of instituting resemblances between them; had made them opposites on every point; yet a mysterious tie seemed to unite them in a closer friendship than ordinary。
They used to saunter; arm in arm; up and down the alleys and walks of the garden。 Augustine; with his blue eyes and golden hair; his ethereally flexible form and vivacious features; and Alfred; dark…eyed; with haughty Roman profile; firmly…knit limbs; and decided bearing。 They were always abusing each other’s opinions and practices; and yet never a whit the less absorbed in each other’s society; in fact; the very contrariety seemed to unite them; like the attraction between opposite poles of the magnet。
Henrique; the eldest son of Alfred; was a noble; dark…eyed; princely boy; full of vivacity and spirit; and; from the first moment of introduction; seemed to be perfectly fascinated by the spirituelle graces of his cousin Evangeline。
Eva had a little pet pony; of a snowy whiteness。 It was easy as a cradle; and as gentle as its little mistress; and this pony was now brought up to the back verandah by Tom; while a little mulatto boy of about thirteen led along a small black Arabian; which had just been imported; at a great expense; for Henrique。
Henrique had a boy’s pride in his new possession; and; as he advanced and took the reins out of the hands of his little groom; he looked carefully over him; and his brow darkened。
“What’s this; Dodo; you little lazy dog! you haven’t rubbed my horse down; this morning。”
“Yes; Mas’r;” said Dodo; submissively; “he got that dust on his own self。”
“You rascal; shut your mouth!” said Henrique; violently raising his riding…whip。 “How dare you speak?”
The boy was a handsome; bright…eyed mulatto; of just Henrique’s size; and his curling hair hung round a high; bold forehead。 He had white blood in his veins; as could be seen by the quick flush in his cheek; and the sparkle of his eye; as he eagerly tried to speak。
“Mas’r Henrique!—” he began。
Henrique struck him across the face with his riding…whip; and; seizing one of his arms; forced him on to his knees; and beat him till he was out of breath。
“There; you impudent dog! Now will you learn not to answer back when I speak to you? Take the horse back; and clean him properly。 I’ll teach you your place!”
“Young Mas’r;” said Tom; “I specs what he was gwine to say was; that the horse would roll when he was bringing him up from the stable; he’s so full of spirits;—that’s the way he got that dirt on him; I looked to his cleaning。”
“You hold your tongue till you’re asked to speak!” said Henrique; turning on his heel; and walking up the steps to speak to Eva; who stood in her riding…dress。
“Dear Cousin; I’m sorry this stupid fellow has kept you waiting;” he said。 “Let’s sit down here; on this seat till they come。 What’s the matter; Cousin?—you look sober。”
“How could you be so cruel and wicked to poor Dodo?” asked Eva。
“Cruel;—wicked!” said the boy; with unaffected surprise。 “What do you mean; dear Eva?”
“I don’t want you to call me dear Eva; when you do so;” said Eva。
“Dear Cousin; you don’t know Dodo; it’s the only way to manage him; he’s so full of lies and excuses。 The only way is to put him down at once;—not let him open his mouth; that’s the way papa manages。”
“But Uncle Tom said it was an acomident; and he never tells what isn’t true。”
“He’s an uncommon old nigger; then!” said Henrique。 “Dodo will lie as fast as he can speak。”
“You frighten him into deceiving; if you treat him so。”
“Why; Eva; you’ve really taken such a fancy to Dodo; that I shall be jealous。”
“But you beat him;—and he didn’t deserve it。”
“O; well; it may go for some time when he does; and don’t get it。 A few cuts never come amiss with Dodo;—he’s a regular spirit; I can tell you; but I won’t beat him again before you; if it troubles you。”
Eva was not satisfied; but found it in vain to try to make her handsome cousin understand her feelings。
Dodo soon appeared; with the horses。
“Well; Dodo; you’ve done pretty well; this time;” said his young master; with a more gracious air。 “Come; now; and hold Miss Eva’s horse while I put her on to the saddle。”
Dodo came and stood by Eva’s pony。 His face was troubled; his eyes looked as if he had been crying。
Henrique; who valued himself on his gentlemanly adroitness in all matters of gallantry; soon had his fair cousin in the saddle; and; gathering the reins; placed them in her hands。
But Eva bent to the other side of the horse; where Dodo was standing; and said; as he relinquished the reins;—“That’s a good boy; Dodo;—thank you!”
Dodo looked up in amazement into the sweet young face; the blood rushed to his cheeks; and the tears to his eyes。
“Here; Dodo;” said his master; imperiously。
Dodo sprang and held the horse; while his master mounted。
“There’s a picayune for you to buy candy with; Dodo;” said Henrique; “go get some。”
And Henrique cantered down the walk after Eva。 Dodo stood looking after the two children。 One had given him money; and one had given him what he wanted far more;—a kind word; kindly spoken。 Dodo had been only a few months away from his mother。 His master had bought him at a slave warehouse; for his handsome face; to be a match to the handsome pony; and he was now getting his breaking in; at the hands of his young master。
The scene of the beating had been witnessed by the two brothers St。 Clare; from another part of the garden。
Augustine’s cheek flushed; but he only observed; with his usual sarcastic carelessness。
“I suppose that’s what we may call republican education; Alfred?”
“Henrique is a devil of a fellow; when his blood’s up;” said Alfred; carelessly。
“I suppose you consider this an instructive practice for him;” said Augustine; drily。
“I couldn’t help it; if I didn’t。 Henrique is a regular little tempest;—his mother and I have given him up; long ago。 But; then; that Dodo is a perfect sprite;—no amount of whipping can hurt him。”
“And this by way of teaching Henrique the first verse of a republican’s catechism; ‘All men are born free and equal!’”
“Poh!” said Alfred; “one of Tom Jefferson’s pieces of French sentiment and humbug。 It’s perfectly ridiculous to have that going the rounds among us; to this day。”
“I think it is;” said St。 Clare; significantly。
“Because;” said Alfred; “we can see plainly enough that all men are not born free; nor born equal; they are born anything else。 For my part; I think half this republican talk sheer humbug。 It is the educated; the intelligent; the wealthy; the refined; who ought to have equal rights and not the ca

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